Binary Search Tree/ Comparison of heap, tree, BST
✅ Binary Search Tree binary search ➕ linked list 👍🏻 searching data binary search: search time complexity: O(longN) 👍🏻 insertion, deletion time complexity: impossibl...
✅ Binary Search Tree binary search ➕ linked list 👍🏻 searching data binary search: search time complexity: O(longN) 👍🏻 insertion, deletion time complexity: impossibl...
✅ Tree node ➕ edges a tree cannot have cycles(if there is cycle, then it is a graph) one unique way from root to a certain node if count of node is n, number of edges will be n-1 👍🏻 ...
✅ Priority Queue each data has priority. the data with priority will dequeue first. elements are retrieved based on their priority ✅ Heap made for priority queue complete binary tree dat...
✅ Stack input, output same direction LIFO 💡 usage DFS 문자열 역순 연산자 후위표기법 💡 methods push pop isEmpty isFull: requires MAX_SIZE ✅ Queue input, output different directi...
How can we eradicate duplicated value in array? 1. Set Set does not allow duplication convert array into set 💡 Set 2. For loop ...
✅ Linked List linear data structure data ➕ pointer/reference(address part) connected with pointers/references -linked list element is a seperate object it is not stored in continuous...
✅ B Tree self-balancing tree 균형이 맞는 트리 ➡️ efficient in searching all leaf nodes are at the same level 🆚 can have multiple children than binary tree(more than two) 💡 Applications datab...
✅ Fixed Point -3.141592 = (-) + (3) + (0.141592) need three parts representation of real data type for a number that has fixed number of digits after radix point 👍🏻 no complicated logic 👍🏻...
✅ Parity Bits(redundant bits) extra binary bits added to data transfer to ensure that no bits were lost during transfer 2^r ≥ m + r + 1 // r: number of redundant bits // m: number of bits in ...
✅ Cache Memory memory to decrease loading time serve as a buffer between the main memory (RAM) and the central processing unit (CPU) when CPU reads from RAM, saves frequently used data ...