System Call
✅ System Call request services from the operating system program makes system call to request operating system’s kernels user program can interact with the operating system using a system c...
✅ System Call request services from the operating system program makes system call to request operating system’s kernels user program can interact with the operating system using a system c...
✅ Interrupt signal emmited from hardware or software when process or event needs immediate attention if an error occurs during running a program stop the program and alert CPU for immediate att...
✅ Process Address Space when program is run on CPU process is created process address space is allocated on memory ✅ Process Address Space Segment Code Segement: save program source ...
✅ Process programs that are dispatched from the ready state and are scheduled in the CPU for execution. 메모리 상에서 실행중인 프로그램 1️⃣ System call: to create process 💡 System call https://soheepar...
✅ Operating System collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs > communication channel between system hardware and sys...
these methods are for dividing the main memory to run multi programming two techniques for organizing, allocating memory ✅ Memory Continuous memory Incontinuous memory ✅ Paging ...
kernel resources that provide synchronization services synchronization services to prevent multi threads to access shared resrouce at the same time limit access to shared resource in multi pro...
✅ Race Condition when several processes need shared resource at the same time, can affect the result value when accessed at concurrent time, data integrity ⬇️ several process attempt sha...
✅ Trie = Prefix Tree TRIEval: finding something or obtaining it tree-like data structure efficient storing, retrieval of key-value pairs prefix-based searching trie is String searching ...
✅ Hash key ➕ value for the efficient management of data, mapping data of arbitary length to fixed-length generate fixed-size output of an input of variable size using hash functions ...