✅ CPU component 📍 ALU, CU, MU ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) 연산, AND, OR, and NOT CU (Control Unit) manages and coordinates the operations of the CPU directing the operation of the other c...
✅ CPU component 📍 ALU, CU, MU ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) 연산, AND, OR, and NOT CU (Control Unit) manages and coordinates the operations of the CPU directing the operation of the other c...
✅ ARM Advanced RISC Machine creates the basic form can add other company’s semiconductors used for mobile phone, cameras, GPS, game consoles… RISC Reduced Intruction Set Computin...
✅ System bus bus: communication system that transfers data system bus: bus used to communicate between the major components of a computer ☑️ Data bus carries the binary data between the...
✅ Binary Search search algorithm used on sorted array repeatedly divide search interval into two parts(binary) and search Sort set left, right, mid While left < right Compar...
✅ BitMask modify numbers into binary representaion Bit: binary digit, smallest unit for computer ✅ Code ✔️ present in array //array int[] array1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0]; int[] array2 = [1, 1, 0...
✅ Dijkstra Algorithm weighted graph find shorest path ⭐️ Keyword weighed graph ✅ Time complexity Adjacent Matrix: O(N^2) Adjacent List: O(N*logN) ✅ Code array to save distance, if v...
✅ Dynamic Programming solve problem by breaking down into simple subproblems solve subproblem once, store the result, avoid redundand computation find a subproblem with repeated caculation ...
✅ Lowest Common Ancestor longest subsequence which is common in input sequences Example: //input S1= "ABC" S2= "ACD" //output 2 //explanation "AC" ✅ Code //depth 0 -> 1 (root) 1 ->...
✅ Longest Increading Sequence in given array, find the longest increasing subsequence(sorted in increasing order) Example: //input arr= {3, 10, 2, 1, 20} //output 3 //explanation {3, 10, 20...
✅ DFS Depth First Search stack, recursion visit all the depth before going onto next branch edge-based technique ⭐️ Keyword subset(부분집합) ✅ Time complexity Adjacency Matrix: O(V^2) ...