Huffman coding
✅ Huffman coding 문자의 빈도수를 가지고 압축하는 과정 assign variable length code to input characters, lengths of the assigned codes are bsed on the frequencies of corresponding characters 부모 노드를 만들 때 ...
✅ Huffman coding 문자의 빈도수를 가지고 압축하는 과정 assign variable length code to input characters, lengths of the assigned codes are bsed on the frequencies of corresponding characters 부모 노드를 만들 때 ...
✅ Proxy intermediary between client and server connect two or more applications using same protocol HTTP proxy can function both as server and client Proxy recives HTTP client reques...
📌 SOP, CORS, XXS, CSRF, SQL injection, XML injection ✅ What is origin? - protocol ➕ host ➕ port ✅ What is SOP? - Same Origin Policy - resource can be shared only between same server/same d...
✅ Bandwidth maximum capacity of a wired or wireless communications to transmit data over a network connection in a given amount of time maxmimum amount of bits that can be transmitted in spec...
✅ Multi Processing several CPUs each CPU can execute different task parallel processing in process, work in parallel operate multiple jobs at the same time 👍🏻 reduce ...
✅ Time Complexity time taken by an algorithm to run as a function of the length of the input 시간복잡도: 입력 크기 n에 대해 걸린 시간을 함수T(n)로 표현 상수는 1로 취급 가장 영향력이 큰 값(dominant)만을 나타낸다. Exampl...
✅ Spanning Tree all nodes are connected to be part of tree undirected graph ✅ Spanning Tree Algorithm When there are several ways to reach a switch, bridge, looping occurs spanning tr...
✅ Memoization way to improve algorithm save caculated result, do not have to caculate again used for recursive caculations used for dynamic programming https://soheeparklee.gith...
✅ Linear Data Type output if proportional to input system follows principle of superpostiion (adding input = adding outputs) predictable linear equations Additivity: t... ✅ IP address unique address for network interface network address ➕ host address network interface: network communication point ...