Page Replacement Algorithm
✅ Page Replacement Algorithm in OS that uses paging for memory management which page should be replaced when a new page comes in used 1️⃣ when page fault occurs and 2️⃣ there is no free pag...
✅ Page Replacement Algorithm in OS that uses paging for memory management which page should be replaced when a new page comes in used 1️⃣ when page fault occurs and 2️⃣ there is no free pag...
📌 IP address ✅ What is IP address? - address for each device connected to network ✅ Two parts of IP address? - network part ➕ host part - network part가 같다면 같은 네트워트 ➡️ switch, bridge,...
🟠 purpose 🟡 roles of the technology 🟢 implementation steps 🔴 challenges, solutions 🔵 outcomes, benefits 📌 Palabras SIEM: administración de eventos e información de seguridad equipo de ...
✅ Virtual Memory allow process to be run outside of memory when process does not fit the existing memory ✔️ Functions of Virtual Memory Simplified management of memory: each proc...
✅ Kernel interface interface between hardware and processes(software) most crucial part of OS that is always on the memory core component of OS manage compute resources c...
✅ MQTT Message Qeuing Telementry Transport protocol for transporting messages between IoT devices 👍🏻 require low computing power 👍🏻 require less bandwidth 👍🏻 good for device with les...
🆚 Difference: 공통점: used to perform read and write operations 차이점: How to use it in network programming ✅ IO Input, Output 1️⃣ blocking process waits until data operation fin...
How to achieve reliable data transmission over unreliable source/service ✅ Packet corruption 패킷 손상 bit error inside packet often occur in physical layer 💊 ARQ: retransmit ✅ Packet loss ...
✅ MTU Maximum Transmission Unit 패킷 또는 프레임 기반 네트워크에서 전송될 수 있는 최대 크기 패킷, 프레임 한 번에 전송할 수 있는 최대 전송량 byte MTU would depend on environment Ethernet environment: MTU 1500 FDDI environment: ...
📌 UDP ✅ What is UDP? - User Datagram Protocol - conectionless - unreliable - check just data error with checksum ✅ What are the benefits of UDP? and the disadvantages? 👍🏻 fast 👍🏻 les...