IP address
✅ IP address
unique address for network interface
network address ➕ host address
- network interface: network communication point
- host and router
✅ Working of IP address
- Device request Internet Service Provider for acess to network
- ISP assign device IP address from available range
- Internet activity goes through ISP, route activity back to you with IP address
✅ Type of IP address
✔️ IPv4
- 32 bit binary number
11000001 00100000 11011000 00001001
- in total
- separated in 8 bits, 4 parts
- each number can be from
- written in decimals(10진수) separated with
✔️ IPv6
- 128 bit binary number
- in total
- in total
- separated in 16 bits, 8 parts
- writeen in hexadecimal(16진수), separated with
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit
maximum data that a link layer frame can transmit
larget possible link-level frame
1. Different link types, different protocols, different MTUs
- datagram A: 4000bite(
IP header 20byte
➕payload 3980 byte
) - datagram A arrives at router
- datagram A has to be sent through link that has
MTU=1500 byte
2. Solution: Fragmentation
Fragmentation: Large IP datagram divided(fragmented) within net
- one datagram becomes several datagrams
- reassembled only at final destination
IP header bits used to identify, order fragmented datagram
- datagram A is fragmented into three datagram fragments
- fragment 1:
IP header 20byte
➕payload 1480 byte
- ID: x, flag: 1, offset: 0 byte
- fragment 2:
IP header 20byte
➕payload 1480 byte
- ID: x, flag: 1, offset: 185 byte(1480/8)
- fragment 3:
IP header 20byte
➕payload 1020 byte
- ID: x, flag: 0, offset: 370 byte(1480+1480/8)
- fragment 1:
3. Reassembly
- when fragmented datagrams arrive at final destination,
- it is reassembled
💡 IP header for fragmentation, reassembly
- for fragmentation and reassembly IP header has the following features
- ID: all fragments from same datagram share a same ID
- flag: to check until where this fragmented datagram ends
- last flag of fragmented datagram is 0
- all other flags are 1
- fragmentation offset: order of fragmented datagram
- to reassemble in order
- byte
📌 Subnet
subnet: isolated part of whole network
for subnet, detatch each inferface from host or router, and create island of isolated network
- three subnets(three blue parts)
- for each subnet, first
are identical233.1.1
- subnet mask:
- means out of
32 bit
address, first24
bits aresubnet address
- 💡 first
24bits: network addresss
, last8bits: host address
- means out of
- in each subnet,
2^8 - 2
number of IP address can exist
2^8 - 2
number of IP address can exist?host number
is used for broadcast address
- broadcast address:
- if host sends packet to broadcast address, all hosts in same subnet recieve packet
host number00000000
is used for network address233.1.1.0
⭐️ Subnetting:
- divide large network(class A, B, C) into smaller subnets
- IP range
can be subnetted into192.168.1.0/25
📌 Subnet Mask
network bit:1, host bit: 0
32bit address
distinguish network address from host address
:broadcast address
:network address
- 👍🏻 control number of hosts that can be on network depends on subnet mask
- 👍🏻 make broadcasting domain smaller, send fewer broadcasts, lower network load
- 👍🏻 safeguard network from another infiltration
- 👎🏻 in order to communicate among different network, need router
⭐️ Subnet Masking:
- use subnet mask to distinguish
network part
andhost part
of IP address
) means that the first24 bits
of the IP address represent thenetwork
, and the remaining 8 bits
represent thehost
- Default subnet masks
- class C:
- class B:
- class A:
- class C:
Why do we use subnet masks?
- to make smaller parts of network
if we use the IP address as recieved, broadcast domain is too big
communication between subnets are possible through router- save IP address
How can we communicate among different subnets?
with router
✅ IP address parts
IP address = network address ➕ host address
✔️ Network part
- on same subnet
- broadcast domain
can communicate without going through router
- ⭐️ same for every device on same subnet
✔️ Host part
- each PC/device
- last octet
- ⭐️ always different for each device
❓ Hub, switch, router?
- on same network: hub, switch
- look at
host part of IP address
- do not need router to communicate
- look at
- on different subnet: router
- look at different
network part of IP address
- look at different
What does it mean to have different network address?
- to have different broadcast domain
✅ IP address class
Why do we divde address class?
to distribute IP address more efficiently
✔️ Class A
network part
➕ host part24bits(3bytes)
- start with
0xxx xxxx. xxxx xxxx. xxxx xxxx. xxxx xxxx
- maximum network address number:
(8-1) - maximum host address number:
2^24 - 2
✔️ Class B
network part
➕ host part16bits(2bytes)
- start with
10xx xxxx. xxxx xxxx. xxxx xxxx. xxxx xxxx
- maximum network address number:
(16-2) - maximum host address number:
2^16 - 2
✔️ Class C
network part
➕ host part8bits(1byte)
- start with
110x xxxx. xxxx xxxx. xxxx xxxx. xxxx xxxx
- maximum network address number:
(24-3) maximum host address number:
2^8 - 2
- 🛠️ normally used for public IP ddress
Why is class C used for public IP address?
as class A, B can have too many hosts
✔️ Class D
- for multicast
✔️ Class E
- for future uses
Classless Interdomain Routing
- routing strategy
- more flexible than classes
- subnet portion of address of arbitary length
- format:
: first number of bits,subnet(network)
part of address
- 👍🏻 more flexible divide IP address
- 👍🏻 more efficiently use IPv$
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
protocol for host to get IP address
automated process of assigning IP address
✔️ Two ways of getting IP address
- device configure IP address manually
- server-client protocol
- port 67, 68
- If a new device connects to network, DHCP assigns IP address to the device
- maintain unique IP address for each hsot
1. DHCP Discover message
- new host connects to network
- at this momemnt
- the host does not know the IP address it will be connected to
- thus, source IP address is
(PC has had no IP address until now) - the host does not know DHCP adress
- thus, destination IP address is
(for broadcasting) - thus, sends broadcsting to send message to DHCP
- sends DHCP discover message
2. DHCP offers a message
- upon recieving message from host, DHCP sends message to host
- server IP is specified in message packet to identify the server
- source IP address is
DHCP server IP address
- destination IP address is
(broadcast IP address)
3. DHCP request message
- host recieves DHCP offer message
- host produces ARP to check if there are any other host with same IP address
- host sends
DHCP request
- source IP address is
(PC still has no IP address) - destination IP address is
(for broadcasting)
4. DHCP ACK message
- upon ` DHCP request`, DHCP server sends DHCP ACK to check requested parameters
- now, host has IP address provided by DHCP server
📌 Private IP, Public IP
✔️ Two types of IP address
- public IP
- private IP
✔️ Private IP
internal address of device that is not routed to internet
- IP only for local network
- private IP is non-routable on internet(not open to outside)
- serach, access is impossible from outside
private IP is only used within private network
private IP can begin with
- 192.168.xxx.xxx
- 172.10.xxx.xxx
- 10.xxx.xxx.xxx
- 👍🏻 more security within particular network
- 🛠️ used for internet wired/wireless connection
✔️ Public IP
- has access to Internet
Network Address Translation
translate public IP to private IP
- use private IP in private network
- use public IP to access Internet
- NAT: allow multiple device to access Internet through single public address
0. Environment
- router IP:
- PC private IP:
1. host send from private IP
- host with private IP
requests web page to web server with public IP 80)
- host sends its private IP with port
2. NAT recieves, translates
- NAT translates private IP into public IP
- create port
- translate to public IP
3. Web server replies
- web server will reply to public IP
- and port
4. NAT translate
- translate public IP to private IP
💡 Get network address, broadcast address
❓ My computer IP is
subnet mask is255.255.252.0
What is my network address? and broadcast address?
➡️1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1100.0
➡️ 1이 22개- 따라서
➡️ 이진수로 나타낸 다음 ➡️ 앞에서 부터 22개- 8 + 8 + 6개니까
120 ➡️
➡️ 120- thus, network address is
- broadcast address is
❓ My computer IP address is
subnet mask is default255.255.0.0
What is my network address? and broadcast address?
- network address:
- broadcast address:
❓ My computer IP address is
subnet mask is default255.255.255.0
What is my network address? and broadcast address?
- network address:
- broadcast address:
❓ My computer IP address is
Is my IP address private?
- yes
❓ My computer IP address is
What is the network address? and broadcast address?
- 51 ➡️
➡️ 20= 8 + 8 + 4니까0011
- network address:
- broadcast address:
❓ My computer IP address is
on the same network?
- 60 ➡️
➡️ 앞에 4자리0011
- yes
❓ Can I assign IP address to
- No. Cannot assign IP address to broadcasting address
❓ What is the network mask of
- first 20 digits of binary number in 1
1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 0000.0000 0000
- thus,
❓ Can
be the gateway of192.168.51.111/20
- Yes.
- all other addresses that are not broadcast or network can be gateway
🆚 Gateway
✔️ router
- route data packet in similar networks
- OSI layer 3, 4
✔️ gateway
- connect two network, different protocols as a translator
- connects two dissimilar networks
- OSI layer 5
- network access control, protocol conversion
🆚 Mac address
✔️ Mac address
- Physical Identifier
- physical identifier: identifier for NIC card on local network
- identify physical device itself on local network
- Layer 2
- datalink layer
- switch, bridge
- make sure data is sent to correct physical device on local network
- smame network
- Format
- 48-bit number
- example:
00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E or 00-1A-2B-3C-4D-5E
✔️ IP address
- Logical Identifier
- logical identifier: identifier of device connected to network(Internet)
- device location on network that uses Internet Protocol
- Layer 3
- network layer
- router
- different network
- Format
- 32-bit number(IPv4) or 128-bit number(IPv6)
- example:
✔️ Address Resolution Protocol
- device use ARP to map IP address to MAC address