
Interview_Network/Packetization/Protocol/OSI/TCPIP/Network Appliances

πŸ“Œ Network

βœ… What is computer network? - connection of network devices to communicate data
- use WWW
- use HTTP

βœ… What are the types of network? - WAN

βœ… How can we transfer data on network? - νšŒμ„  κ΅ν™˜ 방식: Circuit-Switched
- πŸ‘ŽπŸ» when circuit is occupied, other computers cannot transmit data

- Packet Switched: Divide data into small packets and transmit
- πŸ‘πŸ» does not occupy circuit

βœ… What is packetization? - Packet: small segment of big data
- Packetization ➑️ Routing ➑️ Transmission medium ➑️ Reassembly ➑️ Error Checking

βœ… What is protocol? - Set of rules to transmit data on network
- for example, HTTP, SMTP, UDP


βœ… What is TCP/IP? - Transmission Control Protocol, Internet Protocol

- Application Layer: show to user on application
- Transport Layer: data transmission, TCP/UDP
- Internet Layer: connect host, routing IP address
- Network Link Layer: transmit data through physical device

πŸ“Œ OSI 7 Layer

βœ… What is OSI 7 layer? - Application Layer: show to user on application [[HTTP/HTTPS]]
- Presentational Layer: change data format to transmitable format [[JPEG, ASCII]]
- Session Layer: connection between application, message, [[SSL/TLS]]
- Transport Layer: filter, manage traffic, segment, [[TCP/UDP]]
- Network Layer: different network, packet, [[IP address, Router, Ping]]
- Datalink Layer: same network, unit, MAC Address, [[Switch, Bridge]]
- Physical Layer: change 0, 1 to analog data, send to physical device, [[Hub, cable, repeater]]

βœ… What are the benefits of dividing into layers? - πŸ‘πŸ» can see how data is transfered
- πŸ‘πŸ» easier for debugging
- πŸ‘πŸ» compatible for any device
- πŸ‘πŸ» independent layers, dependency on other layers ⬇️

βœ… Why is it called "layer"? - header is added to data as it goes up/down the layers
- c(b(a))

βœ… Why is header added as data goes up/down the layer? - called encapsulation, decapsulation
- only the current layer can decapsulate until that layer level
- πŸ‘πŸ» reduce data latency(only open that layer header)
- πŸ‘πŸ» encrpyt, secure other layers

βœ… Why is data trasmission always slower than excpected? - bc header is added to data
- and needs time for encapsulation, decapsulation

βœ… What is encapsulation and decapsulation? - encapsulation: add header to data from higher layer ➑️ lower layer
- decapsulation: remove header from data from lower layer ➑️ higher layer

πŸ“Œ Network appliances

βœ… What is NIC? - Network Interface card
- OSI layer 1
- connect computer to network

βœ… What is repeater? - amplify digital signal for long distance travel
- OSI Layer 1(Physical Layer)

βœ… What is hub? - multi-port repeater
- one hub, one collision domain

βœ… What is bridge? - OSI Layer 2(data link layer)
- MAC address
- send unit based on MAC address
- has bridge table
- divides collision domain
- on same network

βœ… What is L2 Switch? - Like bridge, send unit to MAC address
- but has multiple ports
- OSI Layer 2(data link layer)
- on same network

βœ… What is the difference between switch and bridge? - switch has multiple ports compared to bridge

βœ… What are the functions of switches and bridges - learning
- flooding
- forwarding
- filtering
- aging
- aging reflash

βœ… How does switch, bridge forward frame? - store and forward
- cut-through
- fragment free

βœ… What is looping - when there is more than one way of reaching switch, hub
- other PCs cant send data
- πŸ’Š Spanning Tree algorithm

βœ… What is spanning tree algorithm? - To prevent looping
- If more than one way of reaching switch, bridge, block all ways except one
- If problem occurs with current way, unlock the blocked way

βœ… What is router? - OSI Layer 3(network layer)
- IP address
- send packet based on IP address
- different network
- has routing table
- divide broadcast domain

βœ… What is L3 Switch? - switch βž• router
- MAC address βž• Routing table 🟰 FPGA hardware
- OSI Layer 3(Network Layer)

βœ… What is L7 Switch? - switch with load balancing, firewall, deep packet inspection
- forward data based on application data
- OSI Layer 7(Application Layer)

βœ… What is load balancing? - share work load to more than two servers

βœ… What is gateway? - passage to conenct two networks
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