Hypertext Transport Protocol
- allow data transfer in
World Wide Web
- transmit
- operates on
(HTTP3 operates on UDP) - use port
What are the two types of HTTP messages?
- request
- response
✅ Cient-Server Model
- HTTP is consisted of
- when client sends
HTTP request
, server responds withHTTP response
What are examples of HTTP client?
- chrome
- Internet explorer
- Firefox
📌 HTTP Request(Method)
- HTTP supports requests that is called HTTP methods
method ➕ URI ➕ http version
- simmilar to get
- request for document ❌
- request for header(information of document) ⭕️
- body: empty
- only header information
- update resource
- to update, but update part of resource
- request http URL
- establish tunnel to the server with URI
- find server supports which request method
- communicate with whole server? or with particular URL?
- echo back to server whatever string is sent for debugging
☑️ HTTP request message format
- ASCII(human readable)
- Status line
request line
:- HTTP Protocol version
- HTTP method
- Request target: URL
- Header
: server domain addressUser-Agent
: user web browser type, versionAccept-Language
: What language the browser can acceptAccept-Encoding
: What encoding browser can accept(컨텐츠 압축 방식)Accept-Charset
: What charset browser can accept(문자 인코딩 방법)Conection
: (default) keep-alive, use persistent connectionKeep-Alive
: persistent connection duration time(연결 지속 시간)
- Body
- 본문
📌 HTTP response(Status code)
- 1xx
- 2xx
- 3xx
- 4xx
- 5xx
☑️ HTTP response message format
- Status Line
Status Line
- HTTP version
- response code
- reason phase: status text(response code in text,
example: OK
- Headers
decide how data should be used
: server that sent the responseLast-Modified
: image/jpg
- Body
- 본문
💡 HTTP header
- header: information about body and request/response
✔️ general header
- general inforamtion about HTTP connnection
- request/response date, time
- both used in request/response header
- Ex:
Date:Tue, 17 Nov 2015 16:39:15 GMT
✔️ request/response header
- request header: HTTP method, request URL, browser inforamtion(user agent)…
: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv : 41.0) Gecko / 20100101 Firefox / 41.0- resposne header: encoding information, server software information…
- Ex:
✔️ entity header
- information about
HTTP message body
- contents length, contents language, encoding, expiration date…
- Ex:
💡 HTTP keep-alive
feature of HTTP/1.1
header to set a timeout, maximum of requests
- HTTP works on TCP
- TCP is connectionless
- 👎🏻 Making new connection for every request is inefficient
- only used in HTTP1
- header
is prohibited on HTTP2, HTTP3 from HTTP 1.1, HTTP2, HTTP3
by default- timeout: time in seconds that the host will allow idle connection open before it is closed
- idle connection: no data sent/recieved by host
- 주고받는 데이터 없어도
동안은 connection 열어두기 - connection이 최소한 얼마나 열려있을 것인가
- max: number of requests that can be sent on this connection before closing
- used to limit pipelining
- keep HTTP connection for minimum 5 seconds, maximu 1000 requests
✅ Connectionless
HTTP client and server makes TCP connection
connectionless: once request and response is over, terminate connection
- 👍🏻 Server does not have to keep connection with several clients
👎🏻 Server has to make new connections all the time, overhead ⬆️
- HTTP 1.0 adds
KeepAlive header
to persist HTTP connection
☑️ Non-persistent connection (HTTP/1.0)
- Once TCP connection, one request and one response
- for new request, need new connection
- overhead for client and server
☑️ persistent connection (HTTP/1.1)
- Once TCP connection, can send several requests and responses
- Keep connection even after response from server
- terminate connection after certain time
- default from HTTP/1.1
- 👎🏻 need to keep connection even when there is no request, response
- 👎🏻 DDoS attack
💡 HTTP Pipelining
feature of HTTP/1.1
allow HTTP requests to be sent over a single TCP connection
without waiting for corresponding response
- 👍🏻 network latency ⬇️, as do not need to wait for resposne
- 👎🏻 Head of line blocking: last response will be delayed
- HTTP pipelining was replaced by Multiplexing in HTTP/2
✅ Evolution of HTTP
☑️ HTTP/1.0
- Non-persistent connection
- one connection one request, one response
- 👎🏻 when many request is needed, need to create several connection, overhead
☑️ HTTP/1.1
- persistent connection
- pipelining: 👎🏻 head of line blocking
☑️ HTTP/2
- multiplexing: multiple request and responses sent over a single TCP connection concurrently
- parallel processing: run parallel requests in same connection
- 👍🏻 no need for multiple connections, reduce latency
server push:
- server proactively sends resource even before client explicitly requests them
- save data in client cache
- client doesnt have to make additional requests
- (example: server push JS and CSS too when client only asked for HTML, client doesnt have to request for JS, CSS now)
- not text protocol anymore, binary protocol
- compress header
☑️ HTTP/3
- do not use TCP anymore, use QUIC, UDP
- QUIC: Quick UDP Internet Connections
- built in TLS: data encryption
- multiplexing
- server push
✅ Stateless
HTTP is a stateless protocol
HTTP server does not remember the client request
thus, HTTP server cannot distinguish the client.
- If there is need to remember the client, need to use
💡 Cookie, Session, JWT
Hypertext Transport Protocol SSL
to safely encrypt data sent on network
assymetric encryption
- A makes
private key
andpublic key
for HTTPS - A asks CA to safely guard his
public key
- CA will make a certificate based on A’s name,
public key
and encryption method,
and encrpyt the certificate using the CA’s private key. - A has encrypted certificate.
- When A has request that is not HTTPS, gives this cerficiate to the client.
- Client decrypts, now has A’s public key.
- Client creates
pre-master-key(symmetric key)
and encrypts using A’s public key. - A recieves the
pre-master-key(symmetric key)
and decrypts using his private key. - For connection, A and client uses the
pre-master-key(symmetric key)
✅ Symmetric Key, Assymetric Key, Digital Signature
✅ HTTPS scheme
- HTTP scheme:
- HTTPs scheme:
- when client such as web browser is requested for a web resource, check
URL scheme
- If
URL scheme
, port number80
and request forHTTP
- If
URL scheme
, port number443
and request forHTTPS
, does SSL handshake
✅ How HTTPS works
- client opens
connection with web serverport 80
- send HTTP request
- reviece HTTP response from server
- close TCP connection
- client opens
connection with web serverport 443
- SSL handshake: encrypt algorithm,
pre master secret
- when SSL connection is complete, client send HTTP request to SSL layer
- client HTTP request is encrypted by SSL layer before sending it to TCP layer
✅ Digital Certificate
certificate with host information, issued by CA
- During SSL handshake, client verifies server with server’s certificate
server’s certificate has
digital signature
from theCA
Certificate carries information such as
- web site name
- web site host name
- web site public key
- CA name
- CA digital signiture
Types of digital certificate are
- Wildcard certificate: same root
- SAN field: Subject Alternative Name, dont have same root
- Single, Double sided:
- single: only server has to be validated
- double: both server, client has to validate each other
- Self signed certificate
- Third Party certificate
- Client connects to server via HTTPS
- server sends certificate to client
- client verifies this certificate with
digital signature by CA
- if CA is trusted, client will have
CA public key
- verify the
(more precisely,digital signature
on certificate) usingCA's public key