
What happens when I click on a URL?

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 15 22 48

1. Input URL, press Enter

2. Web browser translates URL

  • If URL is incorrect, use Web browser’s default search engine to search the URL

3. If URL is correct, encode URL

  • URL uses US-ASCII
  • If there is a letter that is not US-ASCII, encode
  • Domain name uses Punnycode encoding
  • Use Percent encoding for path lower than domain name

2. Check HSTS list

Http Strict Transport Security

  • HSTS list enforces use of HTTPS
  • check HSTS list to see if HTTPS is needed
  • if on HSTS list, need to request for HTTPS
  • if not on HSTS list, request for HTTP

3. Browser checks for DNS entry corresponding IP address of website in cache

  • Browser cache
  • OS cache
  • Router cache
  • ISP cache

  • 항상 DNS서버에 접속해서 찾으려면 시간이 오래걸리니
  • 로컬 캐시 또는 DNS캐시에 저장해 두었다가
  • 로컬 캐시 또는 DNS캐시에 1차적으로 접속해서 IP주소 확인

4. If not found in cache, ISP DNS server initiates DNS query to find IP address of server with the domain name

  • 없으면 DNS서버 접속
  • DNS서버 안에 도메인과 IP address가 매핑이 되어있는데
  • 우리가 요청하면 도메인에 연결된 IP address를 가져와 접속하게 된다.

5. Get MAC address associated with IP address with ARP

ARP: Address Resolution Protocol

  • devices use ARP to map an IP address to a MAC address

6. Browser initiates TCP connection

  • 3-way-handshake to start connection
  • SYN
  • ACK
  • 4-way-handstake to terminate connection

7. If HTTPS, add SSL(TLS) handshake

8. Browser sends HTTP request to the web server

  • use HTTP protocol

9. Server sends HTTP response

  • server sends HTTP response
  • response in JSON, XML, HTML

10. Rendering by web browser

  • When server responds with resource(HTML, CSS, JS)
  • Redering by creating DOM Tree, CCSSOM Tree, Render Tree
    • DOM: HTML
    • CCSSOM(Cascading Style Sheets Object Model): CSS style
    • Render Tree: DOM ➕ CSSSOM
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