
Object Oriented Programming

☑️ Sequential Programming

  • program runs by order
  • unstructued programming
  • 👎🏻 if need code from before, use goto
  • need to pay attention to flow(in what order will this code be run), instead of code developemnt

☑️ Procedural Programming

  • structured programming
  • repreated codes are made into method(procedure)
  • procedure: method that does not return
  • 👎🏻 too abstract

✅ Obejct Oriented Programming

  • 현실 세계를 프로그래밍 세계로 옮겨와 현실 세계의 사물들을 객체로 생각
  • 객체의 특징, 기능을 뽑아 프로그래밍
  • class has field, getter, setter
  • to manage an object’s field and method toegether

What are the benefits of OOP?

👍🏻 code reuseablility
👍🏻 can adapt code for several purposes

👍🏻 Abstraction

- fish, cat, dog all fit in animal
- animal is abstraction
- get all common characteristics, into one object

why use abstraction?

if tiger is added, need to develop just the new part for animal istead of developing all over again .

👍🏻 Encapsulation

if alternation happens, minimize impact on other codes
minimize coupling
minimize dependencies of independent objects

  • use private field

👍🏻 Inheritence

another type of encapulsation capsulize child class from public

👍🏻 Polymorphism

child class can override parent class method, and use it as it wants


OOP 설계 원칙
how to program object oriented

1. SRP

Single Responsibility
class should have one responsibility

  • not to affect other codes

2. OCP

Open Closed Policy

  • open for expansion, closed for update
  • can update or change function, however do not change the code.

3. LSP

Liskov Substitution Principle

  • object of a superclass should be replaceable with an object of a subclass without affecting the correctness or consistency of the program’s behavior

4. ISP

Interface Segregation Principle

  • interface should be seperate

5. DIP

Dependency Inversion Principle

  • should depend on abstraction
  • 추상화(인터페이스)에 의존해야 하며, 구체화(구현된 클래스)에 의존해서는 안된다.
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