
Cache Memory, Web Cache

✅ Cache Memory

memory to decrease loading time
serve as a buffer between the main memory (RAM) and the central processing unit (CPU)

  • when CPU reads from RAM, saves frequently used data on cache memory
  • next time, bring the data from cache ➡️ save time

✔️ Different levels of cache

  • L1: CPU will start looking for data in L1
  • L2: if not in L1, look for data in L2
  • L3

☑️ Operation of cache

  1. when CPU needs to read or write a location in the main memory, check cache
  2. find the memory location in cache: cache hit
  3. does not find: cache miss
    • cold miss: location was called for the first time
    • conflict miss: when trying to save multiple lines in the same cache, might have to evict some of them to make room for new data
    • capacity miss: cache is too small to save data
  4. performance of cache memory is measured in hit ratio

☑️ Cache mapping

1️⃣ Direct Mapping

map each memory block to one possible cache line
if new block is needed, the old block is trashed

  • address space = index field ➕ tag field(cache)
  • DRAM의 여러 주소가 캐시 메모리의 한 주소에 대응되는 다대일 방식

2️⃣ Associative Mapping

any block can go into any line of cache

  • flexible, fastest
  • 비어있는 캐시 메모리 아무대나 저장
  • 저장은 간단하지만 찾는게 문제

3️⃣ Set-Associative Mapping

enhanced form of direct mapping ➕ Associative Mapping
group a few lines together to create set
block in memory can map to any line of a specific set

  • 특정 행을 지정하고 그 행 안의 비어있는 열에 저장

✅ Web Cache

save copy of frequently used resource

  • if a request requires resource in cache,
  • the resource will not be provided by original server ❌ but by cache ⭕️

👍🏻 Benefits of cache

  • reduce unnecessary data transmission
  • burden of original server ⬇️
  • network bottleneck ⬇️
  • bandwidth ⬆️
  • can react to sudden high traffic
  • reduce latency due to distance ⬇️ (get resource from close cache server)

☑️ Cache hit, cache miss, revalidation

Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 08 57 48

✔️ cache hit

  • requested data is found in the cache
  • fast data retrieval

✔️ cache miss

  • data not in cache at time of request
  • slower retrival from meain memory, origin server

☑️ cache revalidation

  • data in origin server can change
  • so cache has to check if the data copy it has is valid(if the copy is same w origin server)

  • add to HTTP GET request If-Modified-Since header
  • means get me copy only if the origin data was altered
    • if origin data not changed:
    • HTTP response HTTP 304 Not Modified
    • if origin data is different from copy that cache has:
    • HTTP response HTTP 200 OK

When to check cache validation?

  • HTTP lets origin server to add expirary limit to resources
  • use header such as cache-control, expires
  • after this expirary limit, cache has to validate itself
  • and if not valid, get the new altered resource with new expirary limit

  • cache-control: max age

    • max age a resource can have
    • recorded in seconds
    • example: cache-control: max-age: 484200
  • expires: data -expirary date

    • expires: Fri, 05 Jul 2025, 05:00:00 GMT

☑️ Types of Web Cache

✔️ Private cache

  • 개인 전용 캐시
  • cache allocated to private user
  • most web browsers have Private cache
  • save frequently used resources in cache in computer disk, memory

✔️ Public proxy cache

  • 공용 프락시 캐시
  • proxy cache provide resources in local cache
  • can access server as user
  • several users can access public cache, reducing unnecessary traffic ⬇️

✅ Spring cache

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