슈퍼코딩 웹개발 부트캠프 3주차 신입연수원 후기
✅ This weeks achievements_이번 주 목표 달성 여부
What I learned_알게된 점
I renewed my carrot app using Svelte, Vite and Firebase.
These tools made it easy to bundle, dpeloy and add a server to my App.
Such useful new tools.
What I tried_스스로 시도해본 것들
I added Svelte, Vite and FIrebase. I also learned about web frameworks. Authentication was difficult, logging with sha256 function.
Trouble Shooting_해결 내용
I made a mistake of adding a firebase server to my github blog.
I had to learn how to clear my server.
Also, to check newly updates on firebase, it was not after deploying, but on the local server, just like my github blog!
Looking back_회고
Started my new book, 후니의 네트워킹! Studying with a book is always fun…I learned a lot about CS network.
🍀 Next week goals_다음 주 목표 설정
Start my major course!
I will study deeply about JAVA.
마지막 프로젝트
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