슈퍼코딩 웹개발 부트캠프 2주차 신입연수원 후기
✅ This weeks achievements_이번 주 목표 달성 여부
What I learned_알게된 점
This week was about backend. I made a memo app where I could create, read, update and delete my memos.
But this memo app was limited as I could only add memo on the server.
So I also learned about using SQL, which is a relational database!
I improved my carrot app by adding a backend and a server
What I tried_스스로 시도해본 것들
When I was making my memo app, there was a difference between the data type that the backend was sending and frontend was recieving. I made int into a str by using .toString()
. This solved the problem.
Trouble Shooting_해결 내용
What I should work on_부족한 점
con, cur is a difficult method. I didnt understand the meanings.
Looking back_회고
Starting club activities was fun!
🍀 Next week goals_다음 주 목표 설정
Start studying more Java and network.
I will also learn about svelte and firebase!
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