
슈퍼코딩 웹개발 부트캠프 1주차 신입연수원 후기

✅ This weeks achievements_이번 주 목표 달성 여부

What I learned_알게된 점

This week was about Front End, how HTML and CSS works. I feel confident with the basics of HTML and CSS, although it is very tiring to make each div, call each class…so these repeated tasks would call for the need of libraries and bootstraps.
I also learned about concepts such as library VS framework, IOC, REST Api VS CRUD.

What I tried_스스로 시도해본 것들

I made the Carrot Mkt chat page! All by myself. Such a fun experience.

Trouble Shooting_해결 내용

Look at intern_Day4. I did a lot of trouble shooing.
Everything is easier when I repeat, its important to repeat after repeat.
Sometimes I feel its boring to repeat, but it makes sense to repeat.

What I should work on_부족한 점

  • CSS positions
  • CSS animation

Looking back_회고

I am keeping a good track of my goals that I set when I started programming. I am NOT POSTPONING, NOT COMPARING, and EVERYDAY 1 COMMIT is being kept.
First week was hectic and busy, but I beleive as I adjust into the system I will adopt to this schedule.
I have high hopes, and I am just so thankful to all the situation and people around me.
I also have two club activities, Seoul Coding and CS study!

🍀 Next week goals_다음 주 목표 설정

Next week I start dealing with Javascript and start CRUD!
It will not be easy, but I plan to study a bit more this weekend to catch up.
Good luck next week of myself!

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