2023.SEPT.17(FRI) 슈퍼코딩 부트캠프 신입연수원 Day 5
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- 슈퍼코딩 23, 24, 25, 26, 27강
✅ Today I Learned
Javascript Array
- array is like a box, you cannot redefine the array name once you have set the variable
- can push, pop from array
Advantages of using Function
Function: set of instructions together to execure as a single unit
Reuse your code repeat the same code less
Debug easier to maintain
Code readabilty
코드 결합도 낮추기 함수 간의 의존성이 줄어 코드의 유연성을 높인다.
How to write a good Resume
프로그래머스 https://career.programmers.co.kr/job_profiles/edit 노션 https://career.programmers.co.kr/job_profiles/edit
https://resume.yowu.dev/ https://hyunseob.github.io/resume/ https://jojoldu.github.io/ https://jbee.io/about/
☑️ Summary of the Day
Today was a comparatively easy going day.
I added my “strengths” and “what programming gave me” in my blog Also finished pilates!
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