✅ Deadlock
requirement for system resource order is mixed up
- when more than two processes/threads cannot be run bc there is no resource
- wait infinite for resource
- occurs when several processes/threads need to work with limited resource
- 둘 이상의 프로세스가
- 서로가 점유한 자원을 서로 기다림
- 무한 대기에 빠진다.
situation: process 1 and 2 both need resource 1 and 2
t1: process 1 gets resource 1 and process 2 gets resource 2
t2: process 1 waits for resource 2 and process 2 waits for resource 1
✅ Conditions for Deadlock
✔️ mutual exclusion
- only one process can use resource at a time
- if other process wants to use the resource, has to wait
✔️ hold and wait
- there should be a process with minimum one resource,
- waiting for resource to be allocated, that is already posessed by another process
✔️ no preemption
- Cannot take resource from another process forcefully
✔️ circular wait
- Resource wait in circular way
✅ Solution for Deadlock
- Prevention
- prevent
mutual exclusion
- prevent
hold and wait
- prevent
no preemption
- prevent
circular wait
- Avoidance
- only allow resource with deadlock vulnerability in
safe state
do not allow
unsafe allocation
(situation with deadlock possibility)Safe state
: safe sequence(order for allocating resource without deadlock)- every process can end
Unsafe state
: situation with deadlock possibility- 💊 은행원 알고리즘
- 💊 자원 할당 알고리즘
- In order for avoidance, following conditions should be met
- fixed number of process
- fixed number of type, number of process
- knowledge of process maximum required resource
- process should return resource after use
- Detection, Recovery
- detect deadlock
👎🏻 need to continuously check, overhead
- recovery
- A. 사용자 처리
- user forcefully stops one process
- B. 시스템 처리
- stops process
- stops all process in deadlock
- stops process on by one until deadlock is solved
- take resource from process, and allocate to other processes until deadlock is solved
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