
What is Operating System

✅ Operating System

collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs
> communication channel between system hardware and system software

  • windows 10
  • UNIX
  • MS-DOX
  • LINUX: OS for servers

☑️ Purpose of OS

  • thouroughput ⬆️

    • how much work a system can manage in certain time
    • 일을 얼마나 헀는가
  • turn around time ⬇️

    • time it takes from request until the job is finished
    • 일하는데 시간 얼마나 걸렸니
  • availability ⬆️

    • 시스템 사용하려고 할 때 즉시 사용 가능한 정도
  • reliability ⬆️

    • 시스템이 주어진 문제를 정확하게 해결하는 정도

☑️ Functions of OS

1. Processor Management

  • start, stop, manage process, program
  • ⭐️ scheduling
  • ⭐️ processing, thread
  • ⭐️ synchronization
  • ⭐️ IPC communication

2. Memory Management

  • ⭐️ manage primary memory
  • optimize memory use
  • ⭐️ virtual memory
  • ⭐️ file system

3. Networking

  • establish, manange network connections
  • network protocols
  • share files, printers over network
  • ⭐️ TCP/IP

4. User Interface

  • interface for users to interact w the computer
  • GUI: Graphical User Interface
  • CLI: Command Line Intereface

5. Device Driver

  • ⭐️ 순차접근 장치
  • ⭐️ 임의접근 장치
  • ⭐️ 네트워크 장치

☑️ Detailed Explanation of functions

1. Processor Management

  • Processor Scheduling
    • determines which process has access to processor
    • how much processig time each process has
  • Process
    • keep track of status of process
    • traffic controller
    • allocates CPU to process
    • when process is no longer required, de-allocates

2. Memory Management

  • for a program to be run, needs to be loaded in the main memory
  • OS manages allocation, deallocation of memory

3. Networking

  • Network communication
    • cops for internet traffic
    • manage how data is packaged and sent over a network
    • check if the data arrived safely and in correct order
  • Settings and Monitoring
    • network connections(WIFI)

4. User Interface

user ➡️ OS ➡️ computer interface
high level language ➡️ interpreter ➡️ machine language

5. Device Driver

  • manages hardware
  • decide which process gets acess to a certain device and for how long, and deallocate

6. Job Accounting

  • if more than one user is using the OS
  • track resource usage of particular user
  • determine which application should run in which order, allocation

7. Virtual Caculator

⭐️ Virtual Caculator

  • one computer to function as several computers
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