Memory allocation/ Paging/ Segmentation/ Compaction/ Fit
- these methods are for dividing the main memory to run multi programming
- two techniques for organizing, allocating memory
✅ Memory
- Continuous memory
- Incontinuous memory
✅ Paging
used for incontinuous memory allocation
divide into small processes of same size
- 운영 체제에서 외부 단편화 문제 해결 위해 사용(external fragmentation)
- 👍🏻 can use needed data as fast as possible
- In physical memory,
Process A
andProcess B
are not all together - processes are not places continuously
- 👍🏻 no wasted space
- 👍🏻 Prevent external fragmentation
👍🏻 used more frequently than segmentation(no holes, no external fragmentation)
- 👎🏻 less secure, difficult sharing than segmentation
- divide
into same size - areas can be mixed while dividing
- areas can be mixed while sharing
✅ Segmentation
also used for incontinuous memory allocation
divide into small processes of various size
- devide memory into logical unit called segment
- segments are various size
- allocate memory, change physical address into logical address
- 👍🏻 no internal segmentation,
👎🏻 but external segmentation can occur
- 👍🏻 better than paging for security, sharing
- segmentation adds read/write/execute authorization to table logically
- to configure bit is simple, sage
divided flexibly, areas do not mix while sharing
- 👎🏻 various segment size
- more holes occur, more external segmentation
☑️ Internal Segmentation
process < memory
- process is saved, but there is left memory
- 20MB is too small to save any other process,
- left
☑️ External Segmentation
process < memory
, but not continuous
- memory to save process is more than enough
- but not
- process cannot be allocated on memory
- 💊 compaction
💊 Compaction
to solve external segmentation issue
make two seperated memory continuous
✅ Fit 🟰 Memory allocation Algorithm
allocate left memory to process
✔️ First Fit
- allocate first memory found to be available
✔️ Best Fit
- allocate the most fitting memory
- smallest left space
- internal segmentation ⬇️
✔️ Worst Fit
- allocate the wost fitting memory
✔️ Next Fit
- begin search from the last allocated place
- A: first fit
- B: best fit
- C: worst fit
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