B Tree/ Balanced Tree/ B+ Tree
✅ B Tree
self-balancing tree
균형이 맞는 트리 ➡️ efficient in searching
all leaf nodes are at the same level
🆚 can have multiple children than binary tree(more than two)
💡 Applications
- databases to store indexes for efficient searching, retrival
- DNS servers: store domain names
- File System
💡 Rules
- Balanced: all leaf nodes are at the same level
- time to access data remains constant
- Self-balancing: as new data is inserted, deleted, tree automatically adjusts to maintain balance
- Multiple keys per node
- Ordered: nodes should be sorted
- number of keys
, then number of children node must ben+1
- root node should have min 2 child nodes
- other nodes should have more than M/2 nodes
- same distance to outer node
- no duplication of node
💡 Reference
✅ B+ Tree
data pointers are stored only at the
leaf nodes
of the tree
- stored as
index node
+leaf node
- leaf node is connected, allowing search efficiency
- used in big database
🆚 B Tree
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