
Counting Sort

✅ Counting Sort

non-comparison-based sorting algorithm counting: how many times does this element appear in input array?

  1. input array
    get the biggest number max
  2. count array
    size: max +1
  3. output array

  4. get input array
  5. get the biggest number max
  6. make count array with size of max +1
  7. in count array, store count of unique element of input array at their respective indices
    if 0 appears 2 times, input 2 at index 0.
  8. store cumulative sum in count array
  9. Update output array outputArray[ countArray[ inputArray[i] ] – 1] = inputArray[i]
  10. also Update count array countArray[ inputArray[i] ] = countArray[ inputArray[i] ]– -

⭐️ Keyword


✅ Code

✅ Time complexity

n: size of input array
k: size of count array(range of input value)

✅ Space complexity

n: size of output array
k: size of count array

👍🏻 Pros

  • stable algorithm
  • if range of input is of the order of number of input, faster (when k is smaller, faster)

👎🏻 Cons

  • does not work for decimal value
  • not in-place sorting algorithm

💡 Reference

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