Radix Sort
✅ Radix Sort
sorts elements by processing them digit by digit.
⭐️ Keyword
integers, strings with fixed-size keys
Most Significant Digit counting from biggest digit
Least Significant Digit counting from smallest digit branch free algorithm
✅ Code
✅ Time complexity
O(d*(n+b)) d: number of digits
n: number of elements
b: number of system being used
number of digits ⬆️ time complexity ⬆️
✅ Space complexity
O(n+b) n: number of elements
b: base of number system
need to create nuckets for each digit value
cpoy elements back to original array
👍🏻 Pros
- could be faster than other comparison based sorting algorithm
👎🏻 Cons
- cannot sort element without digit
- not in-place memory
💡 Reference
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