
Selection Sort

✅ Selection Sort

  • Select index: place to put the element is fixed(the front)
  • decide which element to put(the smallest)
  • first find the minimum element and place the minimum element at the beginning
  1. find the smallest from the array
  2. Pass the smallest element to the front index
  3. The front part of the array would be sorted.

⭐️ Keyword

✅ Code

✅ Time complexity

First round 1 ~ (n-1) ➡️ n-1 Second round 2 ~ (n-1) ➡️ n-2 … Thus, (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + ......+ 1n= n(n-1)/2, conclusion: O(n^2).

✅ Space complexity

sort within the given array, thus O(n)

👍🏻 Pros

  • simple algorithm
  • less swap than bubble sort
  • in-place sorting: does not require more than the given array

👎🏻 Cons

  • time complexity inefficient
  • unstable sort

💡 Reference

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