
Insertion Sort

✅ Insertion Sort

  • Insert the element in the correct index

  1. start from index 2, sort the elements before index
  2. if the element is not bigger than tmp, insert the element and break the for loop.

⭐️ Keyword

Insert an element in an already sorted array

✅ Code

✅ Time complexity

Worst case scenario(sorted as inverse) O(n^2).
Best case secnario, compare just once, thus, O(n).

✅ Space complexity

sort is done by swapping in the given array.
thus space complexity would be O(n)

👍🏻 Pros

  • simple
  • if the array is sorted, very efficient
  • in-place sorting
  • stable sort
  • reletively faster than bubble, selection sort

👎🏻 Cons

  • in worst scenario, time complexity inefficient

🆚 Selection Sort

  • common: both sorts after repeating k times, the first Kth element would be sorted.
  • Selection sort: to find K+1th element, need to search all remaining elements
  • Insertion sort: to find K+1th element, search only the elements that are smaller than K+1th If encounters element bigger than K+1th element, return and insert the element

💡 Reference

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