Insertion Sort
✅ Insertion Sort
- Insert the element in the correct index
- start from index 2, sort the elements before index
- if the element is not bigger than
, insert the element andbreak
thefor loop
⭐️ Keyword
Insert an element in an already sorted array
✅ Code
✅ Time complexity
Worst case scenario(sorted as inverse) O(n^2).
Best case secnario, compare just once, thus, O(n).
✅ Space complexity
sort is done by swapping in the given array.
thus space complexity would be O(n)
👍🏻 Pros
- simple
- if the array is sorted, very efficient
- in-place sorting
- stable sort
- reletively faster than bubble, selection sort
👎🏻 Cons
- in worst scenario, time complexity inefficient
🆚 Selection Sort
- common: both sorts after repeating
times, the firstKth
element would be sorted. - Selection sort: to find
element, need to search all remaining elements - Insertion sort: to find
element, search only the elements that aresmaller
If encounters element bigger thanK+1th
element, return and insert the element
💡 Reference
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