Bubble Sort
✅ Bubble Sort
- In the first round, compare first and second/ second and third/ third and fourth element…compare (n-1) and nth element.
- If it does not match the condition, swap
- After first round, the biggest element would be at the very back.
- After one round, number of elements to compare would decrease by 1.
⭐️ Keyword
✅ Code
✅ Time complexity
Time complexity would be (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + ......+ 1n= n(n-1)/2
, thus O(n^2).
Even in the best, worst scenarios, the time complexity would be the same as O(n^2).
✅ Space complexity
sort is done by swapping in the given array. thus space complexity would be O(n)
👍🏻 Pros
- simple
- in-place sorting: does not require another array, thus saving memory
- stable sort
👎🏻 Cons
- time complexity is always O(n^2), inefficient
💡 Reference
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